I was born in 1967 in Chicago (USA) and shortly thereafter my family moved to Vienna while my father earned his doctorate in music. I am pleased to have produced my first web based installation for Ars Electronica. Hence the loop.Last year I produced a television Series: CyberFemme on cable in New York City. I really enjoyed creating work for a medium which has the potential to reach so many people directly in the privacy of their own home. I appreciate the connections between this kind of "public art" and the internet.
My interest in creating digital art-works take root in my background in photography. To make a photograph has an im-material component to it and the primacy of light is essential in computer work.
My work has been included in Women and Performance: Sexuality and Cyberspace as well as The World's Women Online Project as part of the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women which took place in Beijing China.
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