time-moons in the sky
a videocamera directed towards the sky transmits a live picture to a screen, where three computer-animated revolving moons indicate the local time. |
quit the time
the computer-system of the time- screen receives a moment (a short unit
of sound and vision, created by an artist) through its internet link the
sky with the three time moons is temporarely replaced to play it.
by sending a moment via e-mail directly to
. all moments curated for moving in the time- screens are online accessible via the www - ars electronica center datapool of moments.
feel free to mail us c o n c e p t
Hofstetter Kurt
p r o j e c t a s s i s t e n t
Barbara Doser
t e c h n i c a l i s s u e s
Dipl.Ing. Peter Stieglecker
a d d r e s s
Lange Gasse 42/8c
A-1080 Vienna
p h o n e / f a x
++43/1/95 75 848
s u p p o r t
Austrian Ministry of Science, Transport
and the Arts
Austrian Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Austrian Ministry for Education and
Cultural Affairs
for art
the City of Vienna
r e a l i s a t i o n /
o o p e r a t i o n