that the mechanical eye records.
footage from cctv surveillance cams, traffic cams, earth observation satellites,
atm cash machines cams, motion tracking and image analysis. streams from
public places and private spheres, by day and night, of human beings, of
vehicles, of planets. a systematic process of selection is dispensed with
sequence of these videos and the rhythm of their cuts from one scene to
the next are triggered by certain signals in the midi stream coming from
the sequencer, therefore not under human control. primary the emphasis
is not on the content but rather on the signal.
compressed, imperfect image contains traces of its way in the form of compression
artefacts, its out-of-focus picture, its pixel structure. the signal becomes
the image reality.
called architecture-tracks are built with absolute specified frequencies
on a subfrequent layer.
is a frequency-arragement experiment without any implementation of standard
instruments or instrument samples. a abstract from the conventionally track
and instrument structures and a analysis of the percussive frequency -scale
-modulation ... how to build and extract.