method# 2 tree

every sentence can be written in its corresponding proposition:

prädikat ( argument1 , argument2, ... , argument n )

first argument of the first sentence forms the reference volume . the form is derived from the position in the alphabeths using its first 3 letters.

z.b. "WELT" -> quader seitenlänge ( 23 , 5 , 12 )

in VRML:
Cube { width 23 height 5 depth 12 }

every following argument is derived from this reference volume and it appears as a translation vector

"FALL" -> quader ( 23 , 5 , 12 ) (-> welt ) verschoben um ( 6 , 1 , 12 )

in VRML:
Translation { translation 6 1 12 }
Cube { width 23 height 5 depth 12 }

A predicate will be used as a scaling factor onto the arguments exept for the subject. To be able to get more useful values we divide it by 10

"IST" "FALL" -> quader ( 23 , 5 , 12 ) translated by( 6 , 1 , 12 ) skaliert um (0.9, 1.9 , 2.0 )

in VRML:
Translation { translation 6 1 12}
Scale { scaleFactor .9 1.9 2.0 }

Cube { width 23 height 5 depth 12 }

1 Die Welt ist alles, was der Fall ist.

ist ( welt , alles , fall )

welt = argument 1 , subjekt
alles = argument 2 , translationsvektor , 1. instanz von subjekt
fall = argument 3 , translationsvektor , 2. instanz von subjekt

ist = prädikat , skalierungsvektor

#VRML V1.0 ascii 

Separator {
Separator {
Cube { width 23 height 5 depth 12 }

Separator {
Translation { translation 1 12 12 }
Scale { scaleFactor .9 1.9 2.0 }
Cube { width 23 height 5 depth 12 }

Separator {
Translation { translation 6 1 12 }
Scale { scaleFactor .9 1.9 2.0 }
Cube { width 23 height 5 depth 12 }



1.1 Die Welt ist die Gesamtheit der Tatsachen, nicht der Dinge.

ist ( welt , gesamtheit , tatsachen ), ist nicht ( welt , dinge )

#VRML V1.0 ascii 

Separator {

Separator {
Cube { width 23 height 5 depth 12 }

Separator {
Translation { translation 7 5 19 }
Scale { scaleFactor 2.0 0.1 2.0 }
Cube { width 23 height 5 depth 12 }

Separator {
Translation { translation 20 1 20 }
Scale { scaleFactor 2.0 0.1 2.0 }
Cube { width 23 height 5 depth 12 }

Separator {
Separator {
Translation { translation 23 5 12 }
Scale { scaleFactor 1.4 0.9 0.3 }
Cube { width 23 height 5 depth 12 }

Separator {
Translation { translation 4 9 14 }
Scale { scaleFactor 1.4 0.9 0.3 }
Cube { width 23 height 5 depth 12 }

to follow the idea, that each succeeding sentence is a recursive refinement of the previous sentence, we can use the succeeding sentence as replacement rule for the previous one. i.e. the subject "cube { width 23 height 5 depth 12 }" and all of its instances will be replaced by the whole second sentence.

continuing with the same methology:

1.11 Die Welt ist durch die Tatsachen bestimmt und dadurch, daß es alle Tatsachen sind.

ist bestimmt ( welt , tatachen ) , ist bestimmt ( welt , alle tatsachen )

turns into:

#VRML V1.0 ascii 

Separator {
Separator {
Scale { scaleFactor .2 .5 1.9 }
Translation { translation 23 5 12 }
Cube { width 23 height 5 depth 12 }

Separator {
Translation { translation 19 1 19 }
Scale { scaleFactor .2 .5 1.9 }
Cube { width 23 height 5 depth 12 }

Separator {
Separator {
Translation { translation 23 5 12 }
Scale { scaleFactor .2 .5 1.9 }
Cube { width 23 height 5 depth 12 }

Separator {
Translation { translation 1 12 12 }
Scale { scaleFactor .2 .5 1.9 }
Cube { width 23 height 5 depth 12 }